I may have little wings, but I have a big dick heart.

Hey there. I've been into game making since about 2008, but it wasn't until 2014 I was able to complete my first ever game! The game was started and finished in a single week for a contest. In one week I was able to do what I struggled with for 6 years. 6 WHOLE YEARS. HILARIOUS ISN'T IT.
A character driven story of grief, revenge and redemption in this SNES inspired fantasy RPG.



State of the Project [April '18]

So glad to hear an update for this! I support your decision to not rush a release, as much as it pains me so!

Original Soundtrack completed

Five bucks says the green haired guy turns out to be evil.

You're both really close with those guesses! I wouldn't say evil as such, but yeah we've definitely tried our best to hint at character's personalities from their poses alone. Looks like it's working haha.

A huge milestone!

I admire your dedication. It's very easy to get sidetracked while a making a game, and that's especially true for a passion project. Keep up the good work!

Ah, thank you so much. It's taken me a very long time to get to this point, as cheesy as this is; giving up just isn't an option anymore haha. This project hasn't felt like hard work in a long time - once I got over that hurdle it's been plain sailing. We all have it in us, so don't doubt yourself either.

Also, no where else to mention this but I'm incredibly grateful to get a spotlight this month. It's both humbling and inspiring and really unexpected!

...okay time to stop talking like I've just won a Grammy.

NOTHING IS FINAL. In the meantime, enjoy this HD portrait and message box!

I don't pretend to know the intricacy of UI design or pixel art. Thanks for explaining everything so clearly - I certainly feel put in my place.

NOTHING IS FINAL. In the meantime, enjoy this HD portrait and message box!

This is going to be the controversial opinion (and it is opinion not criticism) but I did prefer the pixel portraits and text. For me personally I find the HD a weird juxtaposition.

It's a situation of not pleasing everyone (or just me) so don't take it to heart. Doesn't change the fact that I'd still play the game which is ultimately the most important thing anyway.

A huge milestone!

Hell yes dude, very nice to see you making steady progress! I can honestly say I've been looking forward to updates for this game, and I can see that I may not have to wait much longer. Keep up the good work :)

Ah, thank you so much! I still have plenty to do, so hopefully I didn't make a release sound imminent, but mapping is one of the biggest things that has halted my progress in the past. Having it out of the way is a huge relief (even though I often enjoy it).

Unless I get negative feedback, I hopefully won't have to remake any dungeons or maps again (dungeon design is a weak point of mine).

There's no way I'm going to let you beat me to the punch.

Haha I did wonder if you'd notice that!

Thanks for all the comments everyone, I appreciate every word.

Everything Left for Me to Do

A lot of people seem to comment the final push is the hardest (I wouldn't have a clue haha). I don't get that impression from you though. You've still got buckets of energy and enthusiasm, I have every confidence in you! Good luck!

Going all custom with the graphics was one of the best decisions to make with Chronology. Here's some progress.

Fingers crossed for you Feld, your dedication to this project and your vision is awe-inspiring. JosephSeraph is a true wonder! It appears very medieval fantasy, I like the direction it's going in.

Full game download is now out!!

Massive congratulations, we all know what a huge effort it must have taken and a lot of discipline as well I'm sure! Really looking forward to playing this. Well done chap.

Lakria Legends is officially completed!

Congratulations! I'm really looking forward to the final release, as I plan to review it.